Breakfast on a morning train
Breakfast on a morning train
Samostojna razstava, Galerija ŠKUC, Ljubljana
21.11. – 13.12.2019
»Je avto objekt ali socialni simbol? Je čakanje v vrsti produkcijski proces ali kontemplativno dejanje? Je obuvanje nogavic eksistencializem ali konvencija?« se sprašuje Tomaž Furlan ob aktualni razstavi, ki (razen enega) vključuje popolnoma nova dela. Čeprav vsako od njih vsebuje lastno sporočilnost, je treba gledati predvsem postavitev v celoti. Ta se osredotoča na izsek vsakdanjega jutra povprečnega posameznika, ko se sooča s sliko sveta. Avtorja zanima posameznikov osebni pogled na objekt – trenutek v percepciji, ko gre za razumevanje vseh razsežnosti oblike in ne le njene konstrukcije. Na razstavi tako išče banalne konotacije med objekti in njihovo pasliko oziroma se ukvarja z njeno popačenostjo, ki jo povzroči individualna interpretacija. Gre za nadaljevanje avtorjeve refleksije družbene dinamike, pogled v civilizirano okolico in njene pripomočke. Tomaž Furlan opiše razstavo tudi kot »slike ponedeljkovega jutra, kjer je vsak prostor svoj kader oziroma slika«.
Odnos med človekom in okoljem je glavna tema celotne avtorjeve umetniške prakse, naslov razstave pa povedno oriše današnje stanje. Produkcijski proces ni le aktivnost samega proizvajanja, temveč tudi vse ostalo, v kar je vpet posameznik (njegovo gibanje v družbenem okolju), tako racionalizacija časa kot učinkovitost ter kolektivnost in participatornost. Naslov razstave obenem asociira tudi na naslov slike Edouarda Maneta Zajtrk na travi (1863), eno od prelomnih del umetnostne zgodovine. Kompleksna vsebina je pomembna (v grobem) zaradi monumentalnega načina prezentacije vsakdanje teme, kjer je v žanrski prizor vključen ženski akt, sicer rezerviran za slike z mitološko ali alegorično vsebino. Pa vendar – Manet naslika meščanstvo, ki zajtrkuje na travi, Tomaž Furlan pa nam »slika« mobilno meščanstvo. Njegova vpetost v produkcijsko in družbeno rutino, ki je vedno bolj prisotna tudi v zasebnih prostorih, vendar je bolj kot na zunanje sistemske mehanizme vezana na posameznikovo izbiro, ki se na videz zdi svobodna in osebna.
Nina Skumavc
Več na Galerija Škuc
Artist is on vacation!?
Artist is on vacation!?
Solo exhibition, Night Window Display Gallery Pešak, AKC Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana, Slovenia
7 September – 6 October 2019
»Artist way of life« is changing phenomenon in the modern history. Bohemian tired from turpentine and alcohol vapors, activist exhausted from the political and autodestructive practices, artist drained from the poverty and constant chase for the truth, businessman, misunderstood genius or some other form of obtained identity.
What has a bigger significance? An art or an artist? Is the artist’s lifestyle indicating the value of art?
Can artist existence be the point of view for the artistic content? Is artist always present as for example Marina Abramović?; is everyone an artist as stated by Joseph Beuys?; does artist goes to vacation?
Installation “Artist on vacation!?” speaks of the artist 24/7, also when he is not on a pedestal.
Rihard Jakopič Honorable Mention
Rihard Jakopič Honorable Mention

Museum of Contemporary Art, Ljubljana
April 12, 2017
Named after Rihard Jakopič an important Slovene impressionist painter, the Rihard Jakopič Award is the highest award in the field of fine arts in Slovenia. The Prize and Honorable Mentions are awarded by the Association of Slovene Fine Artists Societies, the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Ljubljana, Moderna galerija and the Slovene Association of Art Critics.
The recipient of the 2017 Rihard Jakopič award for life achievement is an academic painter, Marjan Gumilar. The recipients of the 2017 Rihard Jakopič honorary mentions are artists of the younger generation for their achievements in individual projects in the field of contemporary art. The recipients are academic sculptor Tomaž Furlan and multidisciplinary artist Tanja Lažetič.
More on: Museum of Contemporary Art
Celebrating New Realism
Celebrating New Realism / Autour du Nouveau Réalisme

Group exhibition, Les Abattoirs, Musée – Frac Occitanie Toulouse, Toulouse, France
February 2. – May 2017
Movement Nouveau Réalisme began in 1960 when Pierre Restany wrote the manifesto “Déclaration Constitutive du Nouveau Réalisme” signed by Arman, César, François Dufrêne, Raymond Hains, Yves Klein, Martial Raysse, Daniel Spoerri, Jean Tinguely and Jacques Villeglé, later on joined by Niki de Saint Phalle, Gérard Deschamps, Christo et al.
Manifesto addressed the rise in industrialisation and consumerism in society. Artist draw the materials for their works from the daily life of the early 1960s, Nouveau Realists used everyday objects, adverts, posters, junk, neon lights… Each artist had their own particular method of creating a poetic recycling of urban, industrial and advertising reality. Their works were however dense and radical, marked by action and movement.
The exhibition will highlight how much the group has influenced public space, and our lives and will show the militant, often comical side to the work.
Tomaz Furlan’s works are part of “A contemporary echo of Nouveau Réalisme”, presenting contemporary artists.
More on:
Les Abattoirs, Musée – Frac Occitanie Toulouse

Retrospective exhibition, Museum of contemporary art Rochechouart, Rochechouart, France
February 28 – June 7 2015
More on:
Technical Unconscious
Technical Unconscious

October 2014
Residency and permanent installation of Wear XVIII in the frame of cultural and multidisciplinary research project reactivating the post-industrial spaces of the Cooperativa dos Operários Pedreiros do Porto (Stone Masons Cooperative) in its Centenary.
Curator: Inês Moreira
PORTIZMIR3, It’s Enough!

International Triennial of Contemporary Art
October 2013–June 2014
Austro-Turk Tobacco Warehouse, Izmir, Turkey
PORTIZMIR3, Triennial for Contemporary Art, aspires to provide a contextual framework for diverse, participative practices by exploring new perspectives on the themes, working methods and processes developed in the realm of contemporary art. Tomaž Furlan’s works are presented in the frame of final group exhibition.
Chief curator: Saša Nabergoj
Scratch the surface
Scratch the surface

Solo exhibition, P74 Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
20 December 2013 – 7 January 2014
The exhibition is the combined result of the artist’s previous investigations and of his several month residency this year in New York.
More on: P74 Gallery
U3 | Resilience
7th Triennial of Contemporary Art in Slovenia, +MSUM, Ljubljana, Slovenia
20 June – 29 September 2013
The 7th Triennial of Contemporary Art in Slovenia gives prominence to community-oriented, site-specific, participatory, performative, architectural, social, civic and other discursive practices exploring new (or revived) community principles.
More on: MG+MSUM
Manifesta 9
Manifesta 9
The European Biennial of Contemporary Art
Genk, Limburg, Belgium
June 2 – September 30, 2012
The team of Manifesta 9 was lead by Cuauhtémoc Medina (Mexico), together with associate curators Katerina Gregos (Greece/Belgium) and Dawn Ades (UK).
More on: Manifesta 9
Selected media response
Jonas Žakaitis, Art-agenda: “The Deep of the Modern”
Llobet & Pons, ASEF culture360 Magazine: “Manifesta 9 | Reconversion”