Video performance Wear IX-X

All photos: Rochechouart Museum of Contemporary Art
Photo: video still

Ljubljana (SI), 2011
Metal, plastic
20x20x40 cm, 100x100x70 cm
Video performance 6’41’’
Courtesy of the Artist


I prepared the diptych Wear IX-X for the exhibition in Gallery P74. Once again, I filmed the video performance in my studio and returned to the primary theme of production processes.

I used iron and other random materials to create a machine that was operated by a worker. The worker placed balls into tubes and thus perpetuated a vicious cycle of meaningless work with no ending or result. The purpose of the machine was endless work. I also added a machine which made it seem that the worker was creating balls of nonsense. It was of key importance that the machine did not create any balls in reality, but with every strike it merely pushed out a previously positioned ball from the pipe.

The soundscape was taken from Steven Spielberg’s film Schindler’s List, as the film addresses the intent of preserving the status quo of the idea that work is liberating, even though it is eternal and finite.